NaNoWriMo, The Blog

Day 2 of NaNoWriMo and everyone is either gay, masturbating or starving to death

The title says it all. No you did not misread it. No I did not typo ‘procrastinating’ (someone asked me if I had). It’s been an interesting (I’m lying) day.

Oooh, ‘Rawhide’ by the Blue Brothers just started playing on my iTunes. You needed to know this.

After waking up and panicking that I had missed my first class of the day, when really I had forgotten most lessons are cancelled this week, I settled down to reread where I had left the story at 2AM last night/this morning.

Oh good heavens.

Well, newest surprise: demons only have to eat every three days or so and Frederick hasn’t eaten for three weeks. When this happens, the demon starts to get very weak and, soon enough, the human skin they’re wearing will melt off. And then they’ll die. In like, minutes. But because Frederick is a special-cake, he can travel through time and this has made him even weaker.

Everyone is in an uproar as he suddenly clocks over and the Group Leader tells hot-sub-character to change his blood-stained shirt with Frederick. In all honesty, I think this was just so Mercury could undress Frederick. I ain’t gonna lie. There is an excuse for it, however. I swear. I have a reasonably valid excuse, I think.

So, after pouring some of my worst fears into Frederick I quickly got stuck. I decided I’d hop straight to a character we weren’t supposed to meet for another chapter or so. She was masturbating in the woods. I’m planning to have her run into one of those Celtic gods I mentioned last blog or something. I dunno, the spice of life is bullshit.

Ending note: who the frack is Mary?


“Mercury,” Hardor barked. “Change your shirt with Frederick. Head into town and find us a place to stay. Charles, you and I are going to have to steal some food. Gah, our first day here!”

Frederick did not hear Mercury approach, his hearing beginning to muffle, but he did not have the strength to lurch away when he felt Mercury’s hands grip his arms. His friend pushed him into the kneeling position and he felt Mercury’s weak fingers fumble with the clasp of his cloak. It dropped from his shoulders the moment it unclipped.

“Come on,” muttered Mercury who had intended to sound sympathetic.

It caused Frederick more effort than imaginable to lift his arms above his head. Sweat broke out across his face. His shirt was lifted away, a vague feeling of the material gliding over his skin. He dropped his arms.

“No, no,” said Mercury, “I have to put mine on you yet.”

“Leave him,” said Hardor. Their voices were so far away. “He’ll be fine, just put his cloak back on in case he gets cold.” Mercury reached around him and Frederick was tempted to fall backwards into the grass.

“No, sit up,” said Mercury and he felt his cloak reattached. It was itchier than he remembered. With Hardor’s help, Mercury was lifted to his feet and pointed off in the direction of the village with a name to search for.

Frederick felt very alone as Hardor then dragged him back into the trees, tugged Frederick’s hood up to cover his face and left. “Mary was sick,” he garbled to himself.


Stuck, cramped, locked in someone else’s skin. If only he had known they would be travelling tonight, last night – however many nights into the future ago – Frederick would have eaten.

Certain that she was alone, hidden in a crater between two fallen trees, Li-ling dropped her head back and let out a lustful moan. Her eyelids fluttered, gaze not seeing the leaves above. Her breasts felt hot and cold all at once, her body wedged in the small, secretive place with her fingers stroking beneath her tight jeans. A smile flickered across her lips. She had known this was a perfect plan.

Li-ling used two fingers now, wanting to feel the surge of satisfaction that the village people deemed unholy, quivering her fingers back and forth and around. Her cheeks grew hotter, drawing air through her teeth. “Come,” she breathed to herself; urged to herself. “Come, come, come.” Coils of heat filled Li-ling’s stomach, her hips arched in want of more.

P.S. I totally keep forgetting to mention that Birth by Sleep is amazing. I’ve finished Terra’s story now and despite all my attempts to hate Ventus, I kinda love him. It’s a wonderful game. I feel cheated of my CGI though, but that’s all for another review at a later date.

12 thoughts on “Day 2 of NaNoWriMo and everyone is either gay, masturbating or starving to death”

  1. Dear Zack & Mitch,

    Lol, yeah. I’d get confused as well. My entrance to stage was rather random and unexpectedly. Wasn’t even sure if Zack knew who I was xD

    Insanity for all, I says!




  2. To Mitch,

    Huh, same. I’m just gonna put ‘to BLAH’ every time I post a comment, I think XD

    And it’s OK. It’s quite adorkable that you rushed in to defend me. I feel like your maiden or something. Please take my handkerchief, sir knight.


  3. Dear dreamy spikey-black haired sex icon in a purlish-black jumpsuit,

    Oh hush, ‘ain’t’ wasn’t a word before either.

    One day during my rule of Gongaga, I will enslave and forcibly punish all citizens by mandating abstinence for all who live there until they have all been so damn abstinencED, that not even summoning whathaveyou can save them! Then all shall bow down to the newly crested word of abstinencED!!!! Bwahahahaha!

    btw, I’ve actually never been to that site or heard anything about ppl from there. My conclusion of your insanity was purely from conversing with you since fate brought us together.

    Forever yours,



  4. Dear Zack,

    Ok, I really didn’t want to read into your tank of uweilding homo-hetero-sexual neglect and harboured eroticism encased somewhere deep within your psychi due to stern parents who had forced you with a life of religious purity and castration… but I the curiosity overcame me… That, and I didn’t really want an abstinenced sexually deprived writing mentor to help me learn how to write.

    Now that I’ve read a bit, you’re alright. You’re only a twisted anorexia inducing slave camp General.

    Now I feel the meet to excrete that last scene, so please excuse me.




    1. Dear Aerith,

      I feel you have lived too long on or heard too much about some of the…not so thoughtful fangirls on that site. I’m glad that your fear of my potential ‘crazy-ass fangirl writer’ has subsided. Fortuneately, I did not have stern parenting or any form of religion forced upon me – encouraged, perhaps, but not forced. If anything, I have a drunken, crazy mother who lives in other country most of the time and a father who is hardly home – so no Freudian tension there. Underlying sexual deprevation/issues in general however, quite probable.

      ‘Abstinenced’ ain’t a word, just so you know. ‘Abstinence’ is. I’m only saying ;P

      I am a nasty writer. I’ve not even uploaded the bits where Frederick starts wishing he was dead from the feeling that his skin is going to split open. I’m not sure what you mean when you say you’re going to ‘excrete that last scene’… It conjurs up some rather interesting images I don’t (or at least hope) think you meant for.

      Lovely to hear from you, my dear.


      1. (OK for some reason I can’t reply to your comment directly, I dunno why).

        This idea hit me roughly three seconds AFTER I hit Submit.
        “Wait, maybe they…”

        See this is what happened when you wade in.

        My apologies for acting like a dick XD


  5. I love how your male leads always have a mysterious female hidden in their backstory that they neglected to mention to you (Luna, Aerith…)

    That masturbation scene is…uncomfortably well-written…


    1. LOL Oh God, Luna and Aerowyn. I still have no idea who Luna is or how Theo met her. Aerowyn I have a vague indesisive idea about.

      Heee~ Thank you so much. There’s another paragraph to that masturbation scene as well…


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